Light in the Depths | wall graphics | 2024

Digital painting

My digital painting is a combination of collage, scans of natural materials with a highly exposed texture, macro photography, digital drawing and painting in which I use original brushes and textures. The random, abstract structure of the material enlarged many times becomes the starting point for creating a surreal composition.


Walls and floors

I mainly design decorative elements for interiors, i.e. large-format wall graphics, fabric and wallpaper patterns, posters and carpets. Two works were awarded by the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw. I create projects mainly for office and hotel spaces, restaurants and individual investors.


P+F. Michalek

Projects signed with ‘P + F Michałek’ have been created since 2012. Each of them is an intergenerational record of the dialogue of two artists – Franciszek’s son, Piotr with the late father Franciszek. A dialogue within the frame of art and design in the universal language of visual signs.


Utility projects

In the field of advertising projects, I focus mainly on designing posters, printed and electronic publications as well as comprehensive visual identification. For the needs of electronic media, I create animations, multimedia presentations and website designs.
